Wednesday, 10 August 2022

Pushover Plugin for IntelliJ

 One of the more annoying problems I face on a daily basis is the slow compile times of my current primary project at work.

To be fair, this is a lot less of a problem than it used to be; prior to our upgrade from Scala 2.11 to Scala 2.13, compilation would regularly take 30 minutes or more. These days, it’s typically around 5 minutes for a full rebuild - still annoying, but hardly as much of a time sink.

However, I do still occasionally have to rebuild old versions, or run the database initialisation task, which does still take a long time.

Wouldn’t it be nice if I could go off and do something else, and get notified (on my phone) once it’s complete?

Sunday, 19 June 2022

Eliminating a Joda Time Dependency

 A short time ago, I started work on a new project, which would be based on the Scala Play framework.

Part of this project required some authentication logic, and I stumbled upon the Play Silhouette library. Unfrotunately, this depends on Joda Time, which in 2022 (and, particularly, post the introduction of the Java Time API in Java 8) seems old-hat.

I therefore set about creating a PR to remove Joda Time from this library.  It seemed simple... replace all the uses of Joda's DateTime with a ZonedDateTime from Java Time, remove the dependency on Joda Time, and we're done... right?
